
Získejte provizi 3.5% za každý zprostředkovaný nákup na Optiweb.hu

Optiweb.hu is an online store for professional industrial machine tools with more than 2,600 products. Optimum Hungária, as the Hungarian subsidiary of the German parent company, is engaged in the distribution of woodworking, metalworking, air handling machines, cleaning equipment and workshop equipment.


  • cookie length 30 days
  • 3.5 % commission

Forbidden traffic sources:

  • Brand in the content of the ad (even with typos, variations)
  • SEM - limited
  • PPC
  • Display and media buyers
  • Sites and applications that contain illegal or infringing content
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Rádi Vás do programu zapojíme, provedeme programem, jeho pravidly a možnostmi. Neváhejte se obrátit na našeho affiliate manažera s čímkoli, co bude potřeba. Jsme tu pro vás. Tomáš Hanzl - hanzl@5dm.cz